421 Myers {Bow Socks}


We are at it again with 421 Myers Designs! Last week it was headbands, before that it was pet collars and bracelets.  Let’s just say Linda Stafford has had some fun and super versatile patterns for accessorizing right from the start.  I really can’t wait to start seeing some of the vintage inspired clothing patterns that she has been hinting around about.


The bow socks are the first pattern that has been released that isn’t free, however, I’m sharing a coupon code to get $2 off this pattern. The coupon code you need for the Etsy shop is 421ABC2.  The pattern price is $5, so with the code you can snag this for $3! Awesome-sauce. Code is good through Nov. 12, 2016. Not only will you get a discount with this code, but I will relieve a small commission for you using my special code. Yay! Win-win.    Here is the link to the pattern.


This bow sock pattern includes a printable bow template, instructions for different looks you can create, and how to position your bow on pre-made socks.  You could also put these on leggings and leg warmers for some other fun looks.  If you are a rock star you could totally sew up your own socks from The Wolf and the Tree Trailblazing sock pattern and then embellish those using this pattern.  I am kinda excited for boot season to see how we can dress up some of our boot looks.


The best part about these bows is that they can be removed from the socks.  This is awesome for two main reasons. First, the bow can be left out of the wash and not get all wrinkled and ugly.  Second, you really only need one pair of socks because the bows can just be switched out.  How awesome it that?!  I’m sure it will make for an awesome craft fair make!  I should probably mention that this pattern includes the need for KAM snaps or another similar tool.  If you don’t have this, it’s a great excuse to purchase.  I love my KAM snaps.  It’s such a great way to bypass button holes when you are in a pinch.

I hope you have enjoyed our little creation! My girl was loving these socks!  Be sure to stop by the shop and grab the pattern.  Don’t forget to use my special code for your discount. 421 Myers Design and use code 421ABC2.