Blaverry Vivie with a KAM Snap Revelation


Last week I stitched up Vivie by BLAVERRY, then waited and waited…and waited for the rain to stop to grab some photos.  We had a very small window of cooperative child and no rain so we grabbed these to give you a sneak of our new dress.


I typically would have stayed away from a dress that requires so many buttons or snaps, but Blaverry has a way of pushing you to try new things. The idea of getting that many button holes or snaps lined up in a row was completely terrifying to me. (I have to admit, I did use a few more snaps than required… I got snap happy.)  I must share, however, that I had a snap break-through while making this dress.  When doing snaps, you have to line up two rows of snaps, one row for the top and one for the bottom.  I discovered that if I install all the top snaps (male side), I could trace the end of the snap with my disappearing ink marker and stamp where the location of the back snap (female side) should be.  Everything gets lined up just right!  I was so proud of myself!  Now that you have the perfect way to get everything straight and lined up, there shouldn’t be any fears for you to try this as well.

How awesome?!


Vivie is a great pattern for a light summer dress.  We were going for a Gidget inspired look here.  I thought the yellow gingham and the sneakers pulled that off pretty well.  This was a perfect match for my tomboy.  It comes together fairly quickly and the collar gives it a bit of sophistication that most of the dresses I have made don’t typically evoke.  I would say the sophistication bit is really true about all the BLAVERRY patterns I’ve stitched up so far.  You can check out my Decklyn and Finn to see more Blaverry creations.

I had never done a real-deal collar before this project, so I’ll be marking that down on the “Tried Something New in 2016” list. It definitely wasn’t as scary as I thought after putting it together.  It is amazing what you can do if you can just follow step-by-step directions.  Yay for big girl teacher skills! I knew that masters degree was good for something… It certainly hasn’t helped be earn much more money with the state of the education system where I live.  That’s all I’ll say about that…

Another feature of Vivie is pockets.  We LOVE pockets!  I did include the pockets in my dress, but my model was not interested in holding still long enough to let me snap any detail of those.  She was, however, interested in chasing after the cat, so I got a few shots of that for you. Our poor cat.  If I were her, I would probably run away.  She really doesn’t get a lot of time to herself when the girls are home. It reminds me of the old cartoon where the girl hugs and squeezes and kisses her pet until it dies a slow strangulated death… How awful is that description?! It’s on point for our poor Sofia cat.

If you made it to the end and still haven’t noticed all the links to the pattern, here you go one more time. Happy sewing!

Pattern and Other Important Places


Blaverry Vivie Pattern

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See Who Also Stitched Up Vivie This Week
