Highlander Dolman from Striped Swallow Designs


I’m finally back in the game doing some pattern testing for Striped Swallow Designs.  This is one of my very favorite designers to work with (and now its two designers) working with the brand. You can see one of my other favorite SSD makes here. I just haven’t been able to make my schedule work with tests for quite a long time, so when I saw this dolman I just had to jump in.

The Highlander Dolman has several options to choose from.  There are two sleeve lengths, two back options, as well as several features you can add to the back options.  For my version I stitched up the long sleeve with the high back and tie option.  The low back falls well below the bra line. I personally can’t pull that off in my 30s but I know a few of my sassy blogger friends who will rock that look all day long.  Whether you choose the tie back option, the t-back, or the back strap doesn’t matter, but for sure you can not go without something.  This shirt really needs the support of something to keep the shoulders up.


I love that this dolman is a perfect balance of batwing affect and fitted sleeve as it works its way down the length of your arm.  Along with the sleeve length options there are also two styles of hemlines.  I chose to use the curved hemline.  The hem allowance on this top is a nice thick 1 inch. Have I had time to share with you my crazy love for wide hems, especially on knits?  If not, I’ll put that on my calendar.


Total Pattern Scoop: Highlander Dolman

Sizes: Xs-XXL

Relaxed Scoop Front

Multiple back necklines with features including:  high, low, t-back, tie back, back strap

Short and Long Sleeve options

Curved or Straight Hemline


For this version, I used a the Ruth Double Brushed Polly from Sincerely Rylee Fabric.  I grabbed it for a great price during a sale a while back.  The color tones are totally in my Autumn palette which I basically sport year around.