Simple Life Pattern Co. Bella

Hey everyone! I’ve been slightly silent for the last few weeks.  Mostly, I’m still getting back into the swing of things now that Christmas break is over.



I do have a little something to share. I got a new sewing machine! Woot Woot.  Thanks to my husband for supporting my VERY expensive hobby.  Bless his heart, as soon as I get a new machine, I put another on my wish list.  I should be good to go for a while with the set up I have right now.  That should help take the pressure off the man of the house… at least until my birthday in October.

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Here is a close up of my new toy.  I don’t have a fabulous set up, so you are going to have to be okay with this angle. You can read more about this machine here. Maybe my next wish list item should be a table area.  I’m still working at a folding table with metal folding chair.  But, one step at a time I suppose.  I gotta pay my dues.  Who knows, maybe a sewing machine table company will contact me to feature their furniture. How awesome would that be?!


So, what was my first project with my new baby?  I knocked out a project on my unfinished project pile because getting a new machine meant reorganizing my space.  I found all kinds of things that needed to be finished.  Shhh, don’t tell.  I’ve had this Bella cut since it arrived this summer and things just kept being pushed ahead of it.  In truth, I actually had three cut out, so I still have two to go.  This pattern is seriously fast, so I’m not sure how I haven’t squeezed them in. Life I suppose is the answer to that… and sleep… the need for sleep.


I shared a few snapshots of this make on Instagram (Follow me!) and in the SLPco group.  I got lots of positive response, which makes me even more sad that I took so long to finish it.   We also grabbed a few photos today outside in the 40 degree weather.  I want you to know that Porter asked if she could put on this dress and go out and take some pictures.  I said okay because a blogger mom should never turn down a model offering to work for free.  I did try to get her to put on a nice sweater, but that was not going to happen.  So please enjoy my very freezing cold, just delightfully happy daughter in her lovely pink dress.


I just love this sequin lace I added here.  It was a simple addition but definitely goes great with the Sarah Jane Magic Parade from Michael Miller.  I love so many things about Sarah Jane designs.  They are youthful and magical all at the same time.  You can’t go wrong with that when thinking about little girls.


And just for fun, here are a few of the shots where she is admitting she is slightly cold.  But really, she did a great job for a self-volunteering,  middle of the driveway shoot.