Small Town, Big Fun
We don’t necessarily live in a small town, but when Tami of SewSophieLynn mentioned doing a Small Town link up I immediately thought I would hit the county fair and link up all the excitement of seeing all the animals. That didn’t end up happening as the date didn’t match up for the linkup. Our big fair is actually next week. Instead, we took a last minute trip to our “local” theme park Holiday World with my mom and step-father. It is actually located about 45 minutes from us, but we hit it every year and have grabbed season passes a few years to make a summer full of fun and excitement. Holiday World is great fun because tickets include access to the ever-so-awesome water park. We basically do the dry rides until we are hungry for lunch, grab a bite to eat, and then head to the water until we are out of energy or too sunburned to continue.
As I’m sure you understand, my theme park photos look like it was 100 degrees outside and no one cooperated to take photos. It really was 100 degrees! I also just brought my point and shoot because I’m too scared to take my good camera theme parking and there is just too much excitement to worry about canvas quality photos.
Just the twins wore clothes made by me. I didn’t sew up anything new because these sets are at the top of their favorites list. They are sporting their Laela Jeyne Deluxe Charlotte Leggings (Aff*) and the Simple Life Pattern Co. Free Cami Pattern. Join the SLPco facebook group for the free code. This would have been a great post for the #realliferealsewing tour that happened a few weeks back, because this was definitely real life.
Holiday World is exactly what the name implies. Each section of the park has a holiday theme. Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, etc. Very fun in a cheesy sort of way. We love to eat in Thanksgiving and have dumplings and dressing for lunch. We had to stop on our way to lunch for a photo op. The park is known well for its wooden roller-coasters as well as several other attractions. You can scope it out here.
After the water park, we headed for ice-cream and a few more last minute rides before calling it a day. I don’t have any water photos because water and cameras just don’t mix. Plus, there girls are wearing RTW swimsuits… so that doesn’t really go with the point of this little link up.
Those cones worked out way better than I expected considering their ginormous size. We enjoyed our ice-cream and Peyton met up with a friend from school to chat with too. That is one thing about Holiday World, we always run into people we know. It gives it a small town feel for sure. Plus, the park is known for having the friendliest employees and it is totally true.
Sometimes waiting in line is so hard, but it is so cute to watch as a parent. There were definitely some teachable moments with this as we went throughout the day. Aren’t those little bums so cute in those leggings though?
And at the end of the day, there just isn’t enough energy left for one more event. I call that a great day. I hoped you enjoyed a little bit of our fun. Thanks to my mom for treating us to a fun filled day!
Check out the other link ups sharing about their small town summer fun below.