Author: Cassy Gobin

Simple Life Pattern Company Holiday Tour

Simple Life Pattern Company Holiday Tour

It’s that time of year when all the sewists are beginning to plan holiday wear.  For the last several years, I’ve been able to show off holiday looks for my girls using Simple Life Pattern Company patterns.  This year is following suit.  This post includes 

Michael Miller Fabrics Paw Prints

Michael Miller Fabrics Paw Prints

  Today I’m featuring a fabric from one of Michael Miller Fabrics soon to be released lines, Paw Prints.  This line hits the shelves November 15th, 2018.  This collection features our favorite pets, kittens and puppies plus some additional coordinates to bring all the prints 

Thread Faction Knit Sewing Mini Series

Thread Faction Knit Sewing Mini Series

Hey friends! I’m loving this post I’m sharing today.  It’s all about learning to sew with knits.  When I started sewing I didn’t really even understand what sewing with knits would entail.  I didn’t know anything about fabric selection, stitch type, the required needles, and more.  Tackling knits can be a scary task.  It’s sometimes the “next step” in many sewing journeys.

Liz of Thread Faction Studio emailed me to share that she was kicking off YouTube sewing channel.  She’s beginning with a sewing of pattern #123.  Then she includes some additional bonus episodes where she really breaks down some skills to teach you have to sew knits.  She asked a few friends in the sewing community to check it out and provide a review of the series.   So, that’s what I’m doing today.

To start off, this series utilizes pattern #123.  This is a girls tank and pant (pantie) set.  One thing that I like about this series is that there was some intentional planning with pattern design and skill development. The first video is about 10 minutes and shows the complete process of sewing pattern #123.  Then, in each of the mini series videos Liz features a particular skill that everyone should add to their knit sewing toolbox.  Each of these skills is utilized in pattern #123.

5 Knit Sewing Skills






I sewed up these patterns myself to show an example.  Since this pattern is more of an underwear type piece of apparel I just took flat lay photos.  I hope you will still find the images useful.

The tank allows you to practice seaming, hemming, and bindings.  Three of the 5 skills that Liz listed.  The pants allow you to practice seaming, binding, and elastic.  Bindings aren’t may favorite.  I almost always cheat and use bands for things when it is practical.

Even though I have a serger and a coverstitch machine which are quite handy, (amazing really… total game changers if you are getting serious) I made the tank with my regular machine to help support Liz’s video and show that you can make great pieces even without specialized machines.  I even ditched my twin needles too.  These pieces are just utilizing a standard machine.  I used a zig zag stitch on all the bindings because some machines don’t have the lightning bolt stretch stitch that many people recommend for knits.  So you see, anyone can do this just as the videos mention.

For the pants, I must admit… I attached the bindings and elastic with my serger. I  sat right down to my serger and plopped them on before I caught myself.  It was late at night and routine must have kicked in… oops.  I snapped a little photo of the elastic waistband here.  This is my preferred way to attach elastic on knit pants.  It looks nice and clean and prevents the elastic from twisting.

Over all, if you are looking to tackle knit sewing or brush up on a few additional skills, these YouTube videos could be a nice resource for you.  If you would like to see how others felt about this knit sewing project, be sure to check out the links below.  I always enjoy reading about the sewing adventures of others.  You may find these posts to be rather informative as well.

Raspberry Creek Fabrics + Tami Hoodie = LOVE

Raspberry Creek Fabrics + Tami Hoodie = LOVE

I was recently selected to be on a promotional team for Raspberry Creek Fabrics.  Raspberry Creek Fabrics is an independent fabric shop that not only does retail sales of popular fabric brands but also prints their own fabrics and designs.  What I love most about 

Issie Top for Teens and Women

Issie Top for Teens and Women

What is this?! Two posts in one week! I can not believe it’s happening. And.. it may end up being more than that!!  I have to say… I love blog tours.  When I designer shoots me an email asking me to show off their latest 

Laela Jeyne Emily T-Shirt Got a Face Lift

Laela Jeyne Emily T-Shirt Got a Face Lift

I’m running a little behind on sharing this post, but I’ve finally photographed my most recent creation for myself.  It’s been a crazy few weeks with back-to-school in full swing.  I was able to take a little time to decompress at my machines with this quick sew.  One of my favorite t-shirt patterns just got a face lift and I had to stitch it up and see what the new changes to the pattern were.  It wasn’t just a face-lift… this was an all out re-model of the pattern.

Continue reading Laela Jeyne Emily T-Shirt Got a Face Lift

Satya Shorts and Schooner Tee Complete a Capsule

Satya Shorts and Schooner Tee Complete a Capsule

This year I spent A LOT of time combing the web for a short pattern that I could utilize in the capsule wardrobe I was planning for my girls. I wanted a go-to short pattern that was more practical than the Papillon Shorties that I 

Thyme Vest with Project Run and Play Pattern Shop

Thyme Vest with Project Run and Play Pattern Shop

  I’m kicking off a span of no posts with a detail oriented project.  I stitched up this  Thyme Vest by Paisley Roots to help kick off the new pattern shop on the Project Run and Play website.  This shop with feature patterns created by past 

Sew Americana 2018

Sew Americana 2018

Several years ago Katy at Wild + Wonderful started hosting an annual Sew Americana Tour.  I participated the first year and absolutely loved my creation.  I share it often when the day calls for a little patriotic nod.  You can find that post here.  Last year I somehow missed the tour, but I’m back on to celebrate in the fun again now.

I had a plan to create an Americana look that would be more flexible to extend the wear beyond just the need for a patriotic look.  I also wanted to create a look that would go with my plan for the girls’ capsule which is still being worked on… sadly.  Also, I have to make a disclaimer that I’m going to update these photos.  I totally forgot I was heading out of town and had to quickly snap these on Monday morning (while it was raining) so I could have something to share.  I’m actually sitting in my hotel room on Tuesday night typing up this post.

I used one of my favorite short patterns, the Papillon Shorties from Lil Luxe Collection. I’ve sewn these up so many times that I can practically do it blindly.   For the top I used the Sis Boom Kelsey which I had printed and ready because I used it for my capsule with another fabric a few weeks ago.  It’s a seriously quick sew and perfect for July heat that is on the way.  I’m trying to get more use out of my patterns than printing it and only using it for one make.  I’m reducing my paper consumption and saving time on taping and printing this way.

I hope you can see how I’m going a little bit Americana and a lot of any day casual.  I feel like this combination is a perfect way to celebrate the 4th of July, but isn’t so overboard that my girls can’t wear it for everyday wear.  I love that it worked out so well.  The red fabric is a lawn from Penny Rose Fabrics.  This was part of my Project Run and Play winning from Riley Black Fabrics.  It’s light and airy and made a perfect pair of shorts.  The blue fabric for the top came from my local shop, Let’s Sew and was left over from a dress I attempted to make for myself but it never turned out.

I hope you will come back and scope out updated photos at the end of the week.  I paid out good cash on Monday morning for these photos with the understanding that we would have to do some extras because the rain was putting a damper on our pictures.  The terms were agreed upon by myself and this little model, so keep and eye out.

Don’t forget to hop over to Wild and Wanderful and link up your Americana look.  It’s a great way for us to all see your work.  Then, be sure to check out the rest of the tour.  I’m always inspired by great bloggers during this tour.


Monday, June 25:
Wild + Wanderful | Marvelous Auntie M | Handmade Boy
Phat Quarters | Call Ajaire

Tuesday, June 26:
Musings of a Seamstress | Sea of Estrogen | Sew and Tell Project
5 out of 4 Patterns | Little Heart Threads

Wednesday, June 27:
Middle River Studio | Elli & Nels | SewSophieLynn
Pear Berry Lane | The Eli Monster

Thursday, June 28:
Auschick Sews | EYMM | Mama & Leia
Seams Sew Lo | Stitched by Jennie

Friday, June 29:
Stylin’ Stacy | Rebel & Malice | On Wednesdays We Sew
FairyTale BT | That’s-Sew-Kari | Very Blissful

Upcycle Cycle Challenge

Upcycle Cycle Challenge

I wanted to enter Candice Ayala’s Upcycle challenge, so I went out to the Goodwill and grabbed a men’s button down shirt for a new upcycle project.  You can read about another upcycle here.  I just could pass up the awesome prizes from Michael Miller